Brew #4: For the Mrs. (Peach Mango Wine)


  • Old Orchard Peach Mango Juice Cocktail [half gallon]
  • 1 package wine yeast (Lavlin K1-V1116)
  • 1c white sugar
  • 1 tsp yeast nutrient [Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)]
  • Airlock

Total Volume: ~1/2 Gallon Pitched (2x750mL bottles)
Pitch date: 2020-07-14, OG: 1.088
Bottle Date: 2020-09-07, FG: 0.998 (11.7%)


  1. Yeast rehydrated according to back of package instructions, DAP added to container
  2. ~2c of juice removed from original container to accommodate added sugar
  3. Yeast and sugar added to juice in container. Mixture stirred/shaken until appearance of even distribution, airlock attached and filled with PWB/water mixture
  4. Left to sit in a cool dry place for 8 weeks until bottling into 2×750 mL bottles.

Tasting and Additional Notes:

  • 9/07: Taste at bottling is good, peach forward with a mango finish. A bit dry for me, but perfect for the Mrs. as intended
  • 11/08: first bottle opened. Very dry (to me), enjoyed by wife. Still a bit strong alcohol burn upfront, fruits follow and are more prominent if left to breathe. Wife mentions yeasty taste, I couldn’t find it.