
  • 1 package wine yeast (Lavlin K1-V1116)
  • 1c white sugar
  • Welch’s Peach Medley Juice Cocktail [half gallon]
  • Airlock

Total Volume: ~1/2 Gallon Pitched (3×375 mL bottles + 4x50mL samples in final)
Pitch date: 2020-07-14, OG: 1.111
Bottle Date: 2020-09-14, FG: 1.000


  1. Yeast rehydrated according to back of package instructions
  2. ~2c of juice removed from original container to accommodate added sugar
  3. Yeast and sugar added to juice in container. Mixture stirred/shaken until appearance of even distribution, airlock attached and filled with PWB/water mixture
  4. Left to sit in a cool dry place for 8 weeks until bottling into 2×750 mL bottles.

Tasting and Additional Notes:

  • 9/14: Initially bottled into 2x750mL swing tops. Best clarity so far. Initial tasting was very sweet and palatable
  • 9/21, 4×50 mL samples were extracted from one of the 750mL swing-tops and moved to sample bottles. Small debris noticed on bottom of both 750mL bottles at this time. Recommend transfer to other bottles soon. Still tasted great and slightly less sweet. CO2 added to swing-top after extraction to prevent spoilage.
  • 10/31: remainder of brew transferred from 2 swing-tops to 3x375mL for distribution around holidays.
  • 12/26: Wine was well received and requested for more runs.