
  • 1 package wine yeast (Lavlin D-47)
  • 1 tsp clarifying agent [pectic enzyme]
  • 4c white sugar
  • A handful of raisins (any brand)
  • Harvest Valley Apple Juice (GFS) [to one gallon fill line]
  • Airlock

Total Volume: 1 Gallon Pitched (~4 750 mL bottles in final)
Pitch date: 2020-06-07, OG: 1.110* [est.]
Bottle Date: 2020-08-05, FG: 1.000 [est.]


  1. All contents [carboy, airlock] sanitized with PWB sanitizer [Starsan]
  2. Yeast rehydrated according to back of package instructions
  3. Yeast added to juice in container. Mixture stirred/shaken until appearance of even distribution, airlock attached and filled with PWB/water mixture
  4. Left to sit in a cool dry place for two weeks*
  5. *After two weeks, remembered that I didn’t add the sugar. Added sugar to must, cuased a huge explosion in the kitchen (not recommended)
  6. Let sit remaining 6 weeks until bottling into 4 750 mL bottles and 2x50mL sampling bottles

Tasting and Additional Notes:

  • Very sweet sweet right after bottling. Basically apple juice with an alcohol burn.
  • Sampled with Mrs. J Lenny and her mother 2 months after bottling. Still sweet, more apple flavor as left to breathe in glass. Ladies reported slight hangover next morning, not noticeable to me.